An Accurate Mental Health Diagnosis is Essential: A Lifesaving Journey

An Accurate Mental Health Diagnosis is Essential: A lifesaving journey

September 10, 2024

Mental health conditions affect millions of people worldwide, but receiving an accurate diagnosis can be a critical, life-changing moment. As highlighted in the Everyday Health article on misdiagnosis, many individuals share how receiving the wrong mental health diagnosis can be detrimental to their lives. Their stories emphasize the importance of routine mental health screenings and thorough evaluations in ensuring people get the right help at the right time.

The cost of misdiagnosis

When it comes to mental health, a misdiagnosis can lead to improper treatment, which may worsen symptoms or lead to new issues. For example, being prescribed the wrong medication or undergoing ineffective therapy can delay healing, potentially leading to significant consequences. Some individuals experience worsening of their symptoms, while others find their lives disrupted by treatment that doesn't target the root cause of their struggles. Worse still, those who are misdiagnosed often carry the emotional weight of confusion, frustration, and hopelessness when treatments fail.

A key factor in achieving an accurate diagnosis is the use of comprehensive mental health screenings. These assessments can help identify subtle symptoms that may not be immediately apparent during a casual conversation with a clinician. Screenings enable providers to look deeper into the underlying causes of symptoms, thereby helping to distinguish between similar disorders that might require different approaches.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders can overlap, as can certain mood disorders and personality disorders. A screening process that includes psychological evaluations, personal history, and behavioral assessments can help clinicians differentiate between these conditions. The result is a more tailored treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual. Screenings help to catch mental health issues early on. By integrating regular mental health evaluations into primary care, clinicians can intervene before symptoms worsen, promoting faster recovery and reducing the long-term impact of untreated conditions. This is particularly important given the stigma that still surrounds mental health, which often prevents people from seeking help until their condition has significantly deteriorated.

Devastating effects

Everyday Health highlights the story of Janet, a 54-year-old mother from New York, underscores the devastating effects of misdiagnosis. For over a decade, she was incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, which left her feeling numb and unlike herself. It wasn’t until a new psychiatrist conducted a thorough re-evaluation that she received the correct diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD). With the right diagnosis, Janet was able to start dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a treatment tailored for BPD, and experienced significant improvement. Her story illustrates how life-changing the right diagnosis can be, and how essential it is for clinicians to engage in comprehensive mental health screenings to ensure that individuals receive the appropriate care.

Julie Whitehead’s story, also featured in the Everyday Health article, highlights the profound impact of receiving the wrong mental health diagnosis. Initially diagnosed with major depression, Julie struggled for years with inadequate treatment. Her condition deteriorated as the antidepressants she was prescribed failed to manage her conditions, which went undetected.

“If I had the right diagnosis, I wouldn’t have tried to commit suicide,” says Whitehead.

It wasn’t until a more comprehensive evaluation was conducted that Julie finally received the correct diagnosis of bipolar disorder. This breakthrough allowed her to receive the appropriate treatment, including mood stabilizers, which drastically improved her quality of life. Julie’s journey demonstrates how critical accurate diagnosis and mental health screenings are in ensuring individuals receive the right care and have a chance at true recovery.

Why screenings matter

A key factor in achieving an accurate diagnosis is the use of comprehensive mental health screenings. These assessments can help identify subtle symptoms that may not be immediately apparent during a casual conversation with a clinician. Screenings enable providers to look deeper into the underlying causes of symptoms, thereby helping to distinguish between similar disorders that might require different approaches.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders can overlap, as can certain mood disorders and personality disorders. A screening process that includes psychological evaluations, personal history, and behavioral assessments can help clinicians differentiate between these conditions. The result is a more tailored treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual. Screenings help to catch mental health issues early on.

By integrating regular mental health evaluations into primary care, clinicians can intervene before symptoms worsen, promoting faster recovery and reducing the long-term impact of untreated conditions. This is particularly important given the stigma that still surrounds mental health, which often prevents people from seeking help until their condition has significantly deteriorated.

The importance of continued care

The journey to mental wellness doesn't stop at diagnosis. Continuous monitoring and follow-up screenings are vital for adapting treatment plans to an individual’s changing needs. Mental health is dynamic, and what works at the beginning of treatment may not be effective long-term. Regular screenings allow clinicians to assess progress and adjust interventions, whether it’s modifying medication or transitioning from one type of therapy to another. This personalized, flexible approach ensures that the patient remains at the center of care, receiving interventions that meet their evolving needs.

The stories shared in the Everyday Health article serve as powerful reminders of the real-life consequences of misdiagnosis. Getting the right diagnosis is not just about proper treatment; it's about giving individuals the chance to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. By incorporating regular mental health screenings into the diagnostic process, we can better safeguard people from the harms of misdiagnosis and provide a clearer path to recovery.

Mental health screenings are more than just tools—they are potential life-saving interventions that can ensure individuals receive the care they need, when they need it most.


  1. Platzman Weinstock, C. (2023, August 7). Why the right mental health diagnosis can be life-saving.