Management and Resources

At home

It is important for family members who live with a person with schizophrenia to understand the disorder so they may be more helpful and understanding.

Self care measures, such as careful attention to nutrition, sleep routines, meditating, and getting physical exercise can be beneficial. Sometimes quality sleep may be elusive. In that case, it is important for one to acknowledge the difficulty of the task that they are facing, be patient with oneself, and give oneself grace. Most of all, remember that there are research validated treatments available and reason to be hopeful. Participating in MindMetrix signals that an individual is invested in improving their mental health and the process of finding solutions is underway.

  • Engaging with supportive, caring friends and family can help to restore a sense of safety and comfort.
  • If a person begins to notice that they are experiencing social withdrawal or emotional outbursts, excessive reactivity, heightened irritability, or unpredictable moods, they are advised to share this information with their healthcare providers.
  • Ask one's therapist about ways to manage stress and implement self regulation skills. It can be helpful to use Cognitive Behavioral tools to identify negative self talk, cognitive distortions, and redirect focus.
  • Notice if an individual is using alcohol or substances excessively as a means to subdue intrusive thoughts. - Although it may be difficult, challenge oneself to bring this to the attention of one's clinicians, who will, likely, be non judgemental and suggest the best therapeutic options, tailored to one's needs.
  • Physical exercise is beneficial for stress management and self esteem.
  • Give oneself a break and have patience with one's recovery from trauma.

At work and school

Experiencing the symptoms of schizophrenia can be distracting and disrupt a person’s focus and productivity at work. Time off work may be needed to attend sessions with a psychiatrist and a therapist. Receiving accommodations related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can also help relieve the distress. Some people with schizophrenia find that they cannot work and they may be able to obtain a Medicare or Medicaid disability from the Social Security Administration.

  • If a person seems more forgetful than usual, they should get in the habit of jotting things down. Cut oneself some slack if one makes more mistakes than usual. If possible, an individual can ask a coworker to double check their work.
  • Take short breaks when possible.
  • If a person finds that their symptoms are disabling, they may want to discuss a limited leave of absence with their clinician. They are advised to use the time away to focus on self care and adhering to their treatment recommendations.
  • It is important to be patient with oneself and remind those around one to do the same.

Organizations & resources

There are private and governmental organizations that can provide information and support on schizophrenia, which may be very helpful to the individual with this disorder as well as to concerned family members.

Organizations & support communities

National Alliance for the Mentally Il

National Institute of Mental Health

World Health Organization

Recommended reading

Surviving Schizophrenia, Seventh Edition by E. Fuller Torrey, MD